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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2015 6:30am-7:01am PDT

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thank you what did you get (clapping.) where is she? >> there she is yeah (clapping.) the hotel excellent. >> all right. so you know their outside lands tickets you know that is what you want. >> now your principles our principles of the year (clapping.) and the mayor was not kidding every single one this i had to let him know that 2/3rd's of the principles are named lee was he okay with that his aunt and supervisor tang i mind reminded 4 recipients in ore district that was purely coincidental.
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>> (laughter) >> so our first oh let me - where is gene our president of the united administrators to help with this one (clapping.) our first administrator candice d lee for norway regular early education school she's a fourth generation san franciscan and complutd went to lowell high school and worked in education over 419 years serve as a head start toddler education court reported and the last 18 years of sfusd site administrator in early education what you got? >> (inaudible). >> oh,
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outdoor land tickets. (clapping.) >> yeah. >> great. >> i'm sure you'll have something in our goodies that candice is willing to trade thank you and congratulations (clapping) our next principle ms. sophie lee from sunset elementary school (clapping) sophie grew up in chinatown a dedicated educator for 40 years (clapping.) poor thing you were not yelling 59 children were you just checking (laughter) our next principle is it lee the
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principle frank middle school he's a third-generation san franciscan grew up in the north beach chinatown neighborhood where he's a principle and tended francisco middle school and norman did you you're a francisco; right? >> four years as principle after 5 years he's worked as a teacher at dean at various schools to make the school strong comprehensive services for families he coined the modesty work harder and kick it up a notch one of the amazing leaders and we're going to miss him he's retiring this year but
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kenny congratulation and thank you for your terrific work (clapping) and what did you get. >> san francisco opera and historic john's grill. >> thank you enjoy that thank you (clapping.) and last but not least barney i didn't pain lee (clapping) the principle of abraham lincoln high school he's a noah valley native attended another lowell high school graduate and okay ease an everybody else scout part of cities interest group in the 19 year at sfusd and previously taught eight grade
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and as a principle never sits still has a standing deck in his office we've been somewhere with barney i didn't one the most principles i've seen in a grocery shopping cart and seen him break dance at parties seen him do flips an football fields some amazing things and the kids just love him needless to say he's part of a family that sfusd his brother tony is a principle, too, and i have another special thing for us or you this is from bill who is part of our school and he says this is something that comes those are very special this is an air force
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retirement award on the back principle of the year ward principle from abraham lincoln this is from the pta so bill stand up and get acknowledged a little bit of something special for you i love you (clapping.) barry photo i'm sorry. i'm to embrace you i saw the photo and said barhopping i didn't i don't know it was he was a he was with the kids at abraham lincoln school it was his prom picture his wife loved it couldn't argue let's giving up give it up to
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our 2014-2015 principle and teacher of the year award recipients2014-2015 principle and teacher of the year award recipientspxúx.
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>> can you please turn off our electronic devices it tends to interrupt the microphone can we please rise for the pledge of allegiance allegiance of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all mayor pro tem i'd like to call roll commissioner president loftus's sxhurmg is in route councilmember washington is in route commissioner dejesus commissioner mazzucco commissioner hwang and commissioner melara is excused we have quorum that may want along is the